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I firmly believe that sharing knowledge is the key to mutual growth and development. Each article and guide I write is the result of countless hours of intense research and the unwavering passion I pour into it. Your support enables me to continue creating high-quality, informative, and engaging WordPress resources that empower you on your journey.
208 Published articles related to:
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Query all posts from category with category__in instead of tax_query in Oxygen Advanced Query builder
November 28, 2023 in Custom Code, Oxygen Builder, Plugins, WordPress / 0 comments
If you want query some posts from one category, you don’t need to build the tax_query. You can use simpler solution, the category__in parameter. For example, you need to show 3 latest posts from media-mentions category. So go to the administration and find your taxonomy id. Mine is 13 so I will use it like…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Display WooCommerce variation price as main price in Oxygen Builder
December 6, 2023 in Custom Code, Oxygen Builder, Plugins, WooCommerce, WordPress / 4 comments
To display the variation price as the main price within Oxygen Builder and WooCommerce, you need the JS snippet.
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Get all post attached images IDs in WordPress
March 22, 2022 in Custom Code, WordPress / 2 comments
If you need to get IDs of all images attached of current post, add this code to your page (you can use the code block if you use Oxygen builder): You can change the return to print_r($ids); if you need to show the values of array on frontend.
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Display all custom fields meta and Taxonomies and terms of current post in WordPress
November 28, 2023 in Custom Code, WordPress / 0 comments
If you want to know everything about your current post, you will need to dump all custom fields and all asigned taxonomies and their terms. Display all post Meta’s This code will create list of custom fields assigned to the current post: Display all taxonomies and terms This code will create list like this:
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Display product custom attribute description in WooCommerce
November 28, 2023 in Custom Code, Plugins, WooCommerce, WordPress / 2 comments
If you created custom attributes for product variation and you filled in their description, you may need to show the description on product page. Product attributes are saved as an taxonomy terms. So you need to take a look, how the taxonomy is called in URL. It starts with pa_ and usually copy the name…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Repeater pagination position FIX for Oxygen Builder
November 28, 2023 in Oxygen Builder, Plugins, WordPress / 0 comments
If you use repeater in Oxygen Builder you may already know, that pagination component is on same position as columns. So when you use the grid in repeater, you may encounter it at wrong position. How to fix it? Just add this to your CSS: For CSS Grid: For flexbox: And after that, position in…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Date difference in current language
March 1, 2022 in Custom Code, WordPress / 0 comments
This script takes the date string and echo the date in wanted format and difference between current date.
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Update WordPress database URL after manual migration
February 10, 2022 in Custom Code, WordPress / 0 comments
Run this SQL commands in database and do not forget to change the database prefix to your one. Do this on your own risk. You can also try to run this without / at the end of URL’s. After you successfully run this SQL commands, go to wp-config.php file and change this lines to mach…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
How to use Highlight.js with WordPress and share your code
November 28, 2023 in Custom Code, Oxygen Builder, Plugins, WordPress / 2 comments
Would you like to use Highlighter for sharing your custom code in articles created in Gutenberg editor? No need to install plugins. Just use the Highlight.js library. This library will highlight everything between <pre><code>YOUR CODE</code></pre>. I was using Google highlighter in the past, but since it is deprecated, my favourite is highlighter.js. Today I will…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Free Cookie Consent in WordPress with Tag Manager Consent Mode
November 28, 2023 in Advanced Scripts, Custom Code, Oxygen Builder, Plugins, WordPress / 12 comments
This tutorial is created for all people who try to set up their EU cookie consent with WordPress website (and with Oxygen builder). I am using open source projects from Orest Bida – Send hype to this boy!! This tutorial will show how to prepare Cookie Consent with Google Analytics – with Google Consent Mode…