Category: WordPress
With 208 articles also related to:
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
WordPress term list without links
July 1, 2021 in Custom Code, WordPress
If you use the_terms for list of posts taxonomy terms, then you get the list with automatically added links. Sometimes you do not need the links. Then you can use the strip_tags. Get term list with links Get term list without links Get the terms custom output
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Current Year for Copyright in WordPress and Oxygen Builder
November 28, 2023 in Custom Code, Oxygen Builder, Plugins, WordPress
Today I will show you the easiest way to add a year to your Copyright information. The problem is that you don’t want to change the date every year. It’s easier to get current year with PHP. Use the PHP function date() with format Y to get current year and it will change automatically after…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Featured (sticky) posts query with Oxygen Advanced Query Builder
November 28, 2023 in Oxygen Builder, Plugins, WordPress
If you create custom grids with posts, you may need to display the Featured Sticky Posts in some cases. This can be done with Oxygen Builders advanced query builder for repeaters and easy posts. I will continue to add examples of queries continuously. Here is the first query: Featured (sticky) posts query If you want…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Fluent Forms maps input (usable with Toolset Maps too)
November 28, 2023 in Custom Code, Fluent Forms, Plugins, Toolset, WordPress
UPDATE! Automatic geolocation has been added to the map :). Enjoy! If you want to add map field with click to put marker function and save the GPS data, you can use the Google Maps API with Fluent Forms. You will need Google Maps API Key and plugin for custom code snippets (you can also…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Redirect non logged users to login page
June 26, 2021 in Custom Code, Oxygen Builder, Plugins, WordPress
Situation: Website with pages restricted only to logged in users and we do not use toolset content templates but Oxygen Builder. We are hiding the content to the non-logged in users with Oxygen conditionals but we would like to redirect user to the login page instead of displaying login form on every restricted page. Code…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Limit Toolset Form to one submission per user only
November 28, 2023 in WordPress
The easiest way to enable user submit only one post is to hide the form when they already submitted it. So you need to count the number of posts user created and if it is more than 1 then with conditional hide the form. Check the number of posts user created with custom function 3.…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Disable WordPress admin bar for all except admins
June 17, 2021 in WordPress
If you have your custom administration for users made with Toolset, you will propably need to hide the admin bar for your users except administrators. So if you have this question: “When you are logged in, the black wordpress top bar is showing up – is it possible to hide this bar for all users…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Use custom Javascript on form submission with Fluent Forms
June 15, 2021 in WordPress
If you need to use your custom script on form submission and using Fluent Forms, use this code in your form’s custom JS settings.
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Remove Archive Title prefix in WordPress
May 28, 2021 in WordPress
Put this code in code snippets plugin.
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Custom excerpt length in Oxygen, Bricks and WordPress
November 28, 2023 in Oxygen Builder, Plugins, WordPress
Need to display smaller amount of words in some WordPress excerpts? Use custom function! Put the code below to your code snippets plugin or your custom functionality plugin and use it in Oxygen Builder. Thanks to Notice: I changed the name of function from “excerpt” to “great_tit_excerpt” because of conflict with some plugins. Custom…