Category: WordPress

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Show Oxygen Element by current language with WPML

November 28, 2023 in Oxygen Builder, Plugins, WordPress

When you use WPML with Oxygen Builder and use 1 template for all languages, then you propably want to display/hide elements conditionally. And of course you can. Use the WPML’s filter wpml_current_language to get current language code. Then use the if function to return value you want. I am returning the language code and then…

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Translate Phone number error message in Fluent Forms

April 15, 2021 in WordPress

If you want to translate the error message, when user fill in wrong phone number in fluent forms, you can use this custom snippet:

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Change GDPR field response data in Fluent Forms

April 15, 2021 in WordPress

If you want to change the “Accepted” to something else, use the first snippet and change the $response variable. If you want to change the Terms and Condition and GDPR field response, use this code:

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Enable Gutenberg for Custom post type

April 12, 2021 in WordPress

If you create Custom post type in WordPress and want to use Gutenberg editor instead of classic editor, you need to add this in your code: Here is complete example of CPT supporting Gutenberg editor.

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Featured products query WooCommerce

April 11, 2021 in WordPress

If you are using your own queries for WooCommerce stores, for example in Oxygen builder’s custom code block then you may need query for featured products. You can use the query I am using inside my product sliders :-). UPDATED 10.02.2022 – field = term_id was wrong, there should be name! It stopped working with…

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Fix WooCommerce coupon input in Oxygen

November 28, 2023 in Oxygen Builder, Plugins, WordPress

The field for adding coupons in WooCommerce cart is horrible in Oxygen. If you want to fix it from: Before: After: Then feel free to use and edit my CSS:

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Add icon to the menu with custom SVG

November 28, 2023 in WordPress

If you need to add icon to the menu item in WordPress you can find many tutorials using fontawesome, plugins or other icon packs embedded from other sites. For my purposes – loading of more external scripts is not good solution. So when I need to add my custom icon to the menu I do…

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Emoji deleted from ACF field after saving

November 28, 2023 in WordPress

So you have a ACF text field and you are trying to insert emoji to it. For example as a category icon. You add the field, add the emoji, use the PHP code to display the field. And emoji is missing. After that you found that every time you save the page, emoji dissapear from…

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Fluent Forms activation – You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

November 28, 2023 in WordPress

If you got “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” error when you click on activation of Fluent Forms Pro licence, you need to go to the integration modules settings of Fluent Forms plugin and activate the plugin from there.

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