Aleš Sýkora / November 28, 2023 / 0 comments
Calculate between Toolset Types fields easily
2 min read / WordPress / Share on: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook
Post summary: Calculate between your Toolset custom post fields. Make your own plugin with shortcode today (or download our for free). Start now with our tutorial!
I have a fast tip for you today. If you need some basic math operations between your custom fields made with Types plugin, then I have a solution for you.
I need to display my custom field with price without VAT and then calculate the price with VAT. In Czech republic, VAT is 21%. I need to multiply the “price-without-vat” field with number 1.21. How can I do that?
First thing I need is my own plugin (of course you can add the function to functions.php but i don’t recommend that).
I need header info for my plugin:
* Plugin Name: Calculations Shortcode
* Description: Add shortcode calculate
* Plugin URI:
* Author: Aleš Sýkora
* Author URI:
* Version: 1.0.2
* License: GPL2 or later
* License URI:
And function for caculations:
add_shortcode('calculate', 'calculate_shortcode');
function calculate_shortcode($atts,$content=null) {
$content = wpv_do_shortcode($content);
$content = eval('return ' . $content . ';');
return $content ;
Version with rounding:
add_shortcode('calculate', 'calculate_shortcode');
function calculate_shortcode($atts=[],$content=null) {
$atts = shortcode_atts(['round' => 0], $atts );
$content = wpv_do_shortcode($content);
$content = eval('return ' . $content . ';');
$content = round($content, $atts['round']);
return $content;
Save the file with .PHP suffix and add it to the .ZIP file. Then open your WordPress admin and install the plugin.

You can download:
- calculations plugin (v 1.0.2 updated 11.06.2019).
- calculations plugin with rounding (v 1.0.0 created 11.06.2019)
Plugins do not work together.
After Instalation and activation of the calculations plugin go to the Toolset settings and register the calculate shortcode
Toolset > Settings > Front-end Content > Third-party shortcode arguments

Now it’s time to use the shortcode in view. Open your view and use it like this:
[calculate][field 1 raw]+[field 2 raw][/calculate]
Or like me, if you need to use only only Custom field:
[calculate][field 1 raw]*1.21[/calculate]
With new calculations round plugin use round option (if you need). If you do not fill the number, then it will round to 2 decimals.
[calculate round=2][field 1 raw]*1.21[/calculate]
In my case it finally looks like this:

If your field is empty, then the plugin fail in case of empty_field * 1.21. So be sure to have conditional for displaying the calculation.
Did you successfully implemented your custom calculate shortcode in search form? Let me know in the comments below!
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