Aleš Sýkora / November 28, 2023 / 0 comments

Trigger js event after ajax finished

Post summary: There’s a way to trigger a javascript callback after ajax event. The way how to do that is easy.

There’s a way to trigger a javascript callback after ajax event. The way how to do that is easy.

You just need to go to your View ‘s filter section and open the JS box.
Click on button called Frontend events. And select which Ajax event you are looking for.

Frontend events in Views
Frontend events integrated in Views Filter JS box

You have this options:

  • The AJAX pagination has been completed
  • The custom search has been triggered
  • The custom search data has been collected
  • The custom search form has been updated
  • The custom search results have been updated

Select the one you need. Toolset Views will automatically create the jQuery for you and you just need to add the body of event.

Automatically created event in Toolset Views Filter

Event codes:

The AJAX Pagination has been completed

jQuery( document ).on( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', function( event, data ) {
	* data.view_unique_id (string) The View unique ID hash
	* data.effect (string) The View AJAX pagination effect
	* data.speed (integer) The View AJAX pagination speed in miliseconds
	* data.layout (object) The jQuery object for the View layout wrapper

The custom search has been triggered

jQuery( document ).on( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_triggered', function( event, data ) {
	* data.view_unique_id (string) The View unique ID hash
	* data.form (object) The jQuery object for the View form
	* data.update_form (bool) Whether the custom search form will be updated
	* data.update_results (bool) Whether the custom search results will be updated

The custom search data has been collected

jQuery( document ).on( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_started', function( event, data ) {
	* data.view_unique_id (string) The View unique ID hash

The custom search form has been updated

jQuery( document ).on( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_form_updated', function( event, data ) {
	* data.view_unique_id (string) The View unique ID hash
	* data.view_changed_form (object) The jQuery object for the View form after being updated
	* data.view_changed_form_additional_forms_only (object) The jQuery object containing additional forms from other instances of the same View inserted using the [wpv-form-view] shortcode
	* data.view_changed_form_additional_forms_full (object) The jQuery object containing additional forms from other instances of the same View inserted using the [wpv-view] shortcode

The custom search results have been updated

jQuery( document ).on( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_results_updated', function( event, data ) {
	* data.view_unique_id (string) The View unique ID hash
	* data.layout (object) The jQuery object for the View layout wrapper

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